Success Story

Large Multichannel Fashion Retailer

  • At a time of declining retail store sales, eCommerce growth had stalled – we were asked to identify the underlying causes as well as review the team capabilities and structures.

  • Undertook a diagnostic review of ecommerce and assessed the company’s processes, people and technology using our Prospero Diagnostic Framework

  • Presented 23 workstreams for revenue recovery in roadmap

  • Challenged the company to address a number of issues to realise rev £6m

  • Worked closely with operational management teams to gain buy-in and kickstart the changes needed.

  • Programme-managed roadmap implementation

  • Actively delivered workstreams around site speed, SEO, new brand website, team skills and structures

  • Improved operational site speed from 15 to 5 seconds in 2 months- rev generated additional £5m p/a

  • Root cause of cancelled orders identified & stopped; rev generated £2m

  • Built and Launched new brand on Shopify plus platform

  • Moved to Agile web dev i.e. fortnightly not quarterly

  • New skills matrix introduced for current and future digital teams

  • New Technology platform recommendations made for 3 brands

  • PIM solution evaluation and signed off & implementation begun

  • Team structures re-defined with role definitions and JDs written for all

Client Situation

Our role

The results

client meeting
client meeting
3 people in a group
3 people in a group